“People with multiple disadvantage are valued and empowered. They inspire and are inspired to have a life beyond services.”

Who are we?

We see Changing Futures as a resource for Bristol.

We are a government funded programme, dedicated to improving local services for adults and young people who face multiple disadvantage. We work as city-wide multi-agency partnership bringing together organisations from the health, social care, voluntary and community, criminal justice, local government, employment and housing sectors. Together, we are testing new ways of working in partnership and recording and sharing the learning generated.

We look at all our work through three different lenses: coproduction with people with lived experience, trauma-informed practice and equality, diversity and inclusion.

Our aim is to create sustainable change at individual, service & system levels and influence government policy & local commissioning. In line with Bristol’s Multiple Disadvantage Strategy, we have identified five outcomes for the programme. We are hoping to:

  • Embed the My Team Around Me model across Bristol as a way of supporting people facing multiple disadvantage

  • Intervene earlier to reduce the incidence, duration and impact of multiple disadvantage

  • Build an evidence base to support integrated commissioning of services

  • Make collaborative practice the default way of working

  • Ensure the lived experience voice is heard and reflected in everything we do

Please note, as our operational work will conclude in December 2024, we no longer accept client referrals. To find tools and resources to support people experiencing multiple disadvantage, visit our Learning Collective.